National Teacher Award Winner 2020 - Smart use of Technology in school education

5th AINET International Conference

General 1592

       -An enriching experience-

10th & 11th January 2020, Hyderabad
         AINET Association of English Teachers, an associate of IATEFL, UK. In collaboration with Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad and supported by British Council & Regional English Language Office (RELO) U.S. Embassy  

The 5th AINET International conference at Hyderabad on 10th & 11th January 2020 under the theme ‘English in Multilingual contexts.  Felt privileged and lucky to be witnessed and attended some of the most wonderful workshops presentations & Panel discussion at the conference. 

            After mind blowing Inaugural session , I felt privileged that got a chance to Interact with some great  personalities like Mark Levy ‘head of English programmes for the British Council in Spain’ who have a fantastic Opening plenary session on ‘Multilingual Contexts -Lessons and Reflections. Jason Anderson an award winning author & well-known educator ,in his lovely interacting workshop and in closing plenary on ‘The effective English teacher – Perception and opinions of Indian teachers.’

            The great still down to earth presence of Dr. Amol Padwad sir and a special session hosted by him  ‘Teachers Zara Hat Ke! -An hour with Special Teachers’ was one of the fantastic sessions of the conference . Vikram Adsul  who struggled to give a quality education to the remote rural areas students , Sadeqa Ghazal and her ‘Women of Colors in ELT’ movement , Akansha Saxena and her team of ‘Basic Education Department of Noida’ & last but not the least Multi tasker , techno sevy  educator Nadeem Khan sir not only inspired ,but also motivated me to overcome the problems.

             Simplicity & humbleness of Hon. Amol Padwad sir makes him really a  legendary , Nadeem Khan bhai’s power pack appearance is awesome as always , Krishna Dixit sir’s energy to help each and everyone without complaining is beyond the words for me , Milind Mane sir’s calm & cool existence was fantastic.

             Panel discussion on ‘Educating the Asian bi/multilingual : Lived experiences’ hosted by Prof. Geetha Durairajan’s  enthusiasm is enough to energies every educator present there. Curious and passionate educators , teacher educators , officials of U.S. embassy , British Council Uk , Saudi Arabia , Afghanistan ,Nepal , Bangladesh and with hundreds of educators from India also . 

             RMSA’s CHEESE Project head Hon. Ranjit Deshmukh sir’s presence and his keen observation with motivating words of appreciation was an inspiration for all of us,  especially the educators from Maharashtra ,India.

            The most memorable and happy moment for me is the valedictory session , which made me proud and on cloud nine as felicitated with ‘Outstanding Presentation Award’ for presenting a paper on ‘Art Integrated Learning ( AIL ) approach for joyful English teaching at primary level.’ This was my first paper presentation attempt in my third appearance on an international conferences and was made unforgettable by this golden memory.

              Special Thanks to team AINET Connect and it’s all wonderful associates for covering every single glimpse of the conference and making a conference big trending on all the Social media platforms including FB , Instagram , Tweeter ,YouTube & Blog also. Another happy and proud moment for Team AINET connect is It’s associate Alifiya Alimdar was also felicitated by Outstanding Presentation Award for her brilliant poster presentation. 

             Team Active Teachers Maharashtra ( ATM ) was also there in the leadership of Coordinator Vikram Adsul sir with great enthusiasm and +50 in number. Poster presentation section was absolutely dominated by ATMins with 18 out of 28 posters are of ATMins. Shrinivas Ellaram & me co presented a poster about the ‘Phonic Sound Cluster for developing English reading skills at primary level’. Out of those 18 posters Pratibha Jadhav and Sanjay Jagtap felicitated with ‘Outstanding Presentation Award’ in poster presentation.

             My BOS family was also there , under the leadership of Hon. Shridhar Nagargoje sir, who has conducted a wonderful workshop and  others all presented papers have also rocked the floor ,Renu ma’am’s enthusiasm was fabulous for both team AINET connects and for team BOS. Meeting them all away from Balbharti was a lovely experience. Rahul Surwase, Pradip Patil ,Tausif and me ,we had a great reunion after a long time……! 

            Overall ,the conference was absolutely amazing , wonderful ,fantastic and enriching experience for a teacher like me who is working at a primary level in the rural area and struggling for his CPD , a very special thanks to the AINET executive committee members and Nadeem Khan sir once again …..!!

Narayan Mangalaram
Z P P School Gopalwadi
Tal. Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar
State Maharashtra ,India
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