National Teacher Award Winner 2020 - Smart use of Technology in school education

Agastya international foundation Kuppam workshop

General 1905


5 th January 2019

Respected Ramji sir ,

         First of all, I would like to thank Agastya International Foundation. It’s only because of you that I was able to participate in such a high quality training. I find myself truly fortunate that I could attend such a wonderful workshop.

        Constructivism, its application in teaching, 5E System and everything the workshop offered were phenomenal things to know as a teacher. Your method of transforming knowledge & developing scientific view is really unique . Easy and Simple science experiment will definitely going to help me in my class .In that way the workshop has broadened my view towards Science and its universality.

         On a tiny, deserted mountain near Kuppam,You’ve nurtured a Science paradise and one must say, it takes a great deal of determination, belief and will. The serenely natural premises, scientific view behind every component of the campus, peaceful ambience and welcoming smiles on every step made our stay a memorable and lifetime experience.

      The highly qualified yet so humble trainers patiently quenched our each and every queries and it’ll definitely help us in our Science classrooms. We are enormously over whelmed by your scientific experiments, the high quality equipments and smooth presentation.

      The pleasant accomodation, delicious food and the way you took our utmost care won our hearts left right and centre. The Discovery ,The Ramanujan maths park ,The Guru Graha planetarium , Unique art gallery and the most beautiful specious Auditorium everything is fantastic. Today, we’re proud to be a part of Agastya Family. In future, we would take immense pride in working with you to achieve your dream of  a 21st century India who endorses a developed scientific view and attitude.

        One more thing I would like to express here sir ,we all are overwhelmed by your down to earth behavior and simplicity ,i must say when there is visionary people like you are here in our country ,our nation future is defintly more safe and bright. Our only suggestion is plz do expand the workshop duration for atleast of one week if possible and give us an another chance to refresh our knowledge or by a feedback session. Waiting to see you again as soon as possible .Always Stay blessed sir.

         Thank you…!!

           Narayan Chandrakant Mangalaram

Narayan Mangalaram

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