Mystery Skype with Alicia JM Kim from South Korea
Amazing & absolutely wonderful session of Mystery Skype with Alicia JM Kim from South Korea and her lovely class ……!!
Today we Gopalwadi, India’s students had a nice meeting with lovely students from “Sammoru Elementary School, Anyang(city), Gyeonggido (province) South Korea. We played Mystery Skype. This is our first interaction with Korea. Both the side’s enjoyed the session so much and we’re excited to find the other’s location. We had a little talk about the weather, food, sports and many other things’s after the Mystery Skype ….!
Alicia is really a wonderful & passionate teacher …..!!
THANK’s A LOT to Alicia & her lovely students ….!!
#SkypeInTheClassroom #SkypeToLearn

Alicia JM Kim
Hi Narayan,
It was amazing to play Mystery Skype with you and your lovely students. We have learned a lot from you and your students.
I hope we have another session sometime in the near future.
Thank you so much again.
Narayan Mangalaram
Thank you very much. I would be happy to have more session in the future.